Make Your Phone UNDISTRACTABLE: Full Phone Detox Guide

5 Phone Settings that saved me +1104 hours a year.

Benedek Novak
3 min readSep 11, 2023

3.15 hours a day
22 hours a week
46 days in a year.
That’s the average phone usage time.

Imagine what you could accomplish in that time.
You could start a side hustle, learn an instrument etc.
Instead, you waste 46 days (92–12 hour days) on stimulation.

To make matters worse, your phone is stealing your attention as well.

Every time you check your phone, it takes 23 minutes to gain your focus back on the task you were doing. It makes you overall less effective.

But I assume you already know this is a problem (if not why would you be reading this?)

By recognizing the problem, you have already surpassed the majority of people, and taken the first step towards gaining back your time and attention.

The tactics I used below, have saved me +1104 Hours yearly on screen time and it only takes 3 minutes to set up.

Black & White

Turning off the colors on your phone will make everything on your screen less appealing, leading you to use it less.

ACTIONABLE STEP: Put your phone into Monochrome Mode

Zero Notifications

Notifications constantly persuade you to spend time on your phone — while killing your focus.

Stop the constantly flowing distractions, by simply, turning off all notifications.

ACTIONABLE STEP: Turn off all your notifications (but enable emergencies)

Delete (almost) Everything

If you don’t have anything useless on your phone, you can’t waste time on it.

You don’t need games, and apps for ‘just in case’ situations. You only need the ones that will serve you in your daily life.

First, it will be hard to delete your apps. To overcome this, remember that you can install them later if needed.

Yes, Social Media Too…

Most distractions and time wasted stem from social media.

Because you are addicted, you are already coming up with excuses on why you should keep it.

Ignore the noise in your head, realize that it only robs your time and attention, and simply delete it.

I guarantee that if you delete social media, you will gain back a minimum of 7 hours per week.

ACTIONABLE STEP: Delete all apps — including social media — that you don’t need daily.

Blank Home Screen

The first thing you see when you open your phone is your home screen. Make it less aesthetic and functional, and you will use it less.

4 steps to a blank home screen:

  • Have only 1 home screen page
  • Remove all the apps from it
  • Remove all the widgets
  • Set your wallpaper to black

ACTIONABLE STEP: Make your home screen blank

I hope you found value in this guide!

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(Tl; Dr: Black & White, Zero Notifications, Delete (almost) Everything, Delete Social Media Too, Blank Homescreen)



Benedek Novak

Exploring human performance, lifestyle design and self-improvement. Join my newsletter for free here: